This revolutionary app secures crowd control during operations, disasters and events.

Deploy content of public address, anywhere at anytime.


MPA at a glance

MPA software has been developed to quickly provide warnings and information via loudspeakers - anywhere and at any time:

Content created and managed on the desktop with MPA-CMS is distributed to a defined network of participants within seconds.

With the MPA app on your mobile phone, this content can be transmitted to loudspeaker systems via Bluetooth.

Administration on the desktop

With MPA-CMS on the desktop, the control center creates and manages topic-specific content even in "peacetime". Loudspeaker announcements can be created in one or more languages. A translation module with 40 languages and more than 100 voices has been integrated since February 2024.

Folders and their contents, such as announcements and sounds, can also be shared with other organizations participating in the MPA system.

MPA-CMS is a web application for the desktop. It can be accessed via internet browser, without installation and from any location. Use MPA-CMS at PC, notebook, tablet and mobile phone.

Playback via app

In the field, the MPA app on the mobile phone now takes over. The content synchronized with the MPA-CMS is now broadcast via Bluetooth® to siren-speakers in emergency vehicles*, or also to portable or stationary speakers.

With an active internet connection the content is live-updated all the time. Even if the whole mobile phone network fails, the existing audio library is available, still to broadcast content to the speakers. The system is 'blackout-safe'.

For needs on spontaneous speech content the MPA-App turns the mobile phone into a wireless microphone. The functions live-speech, record and play help to assert oneself acoustically also in rapidly changing operational situations.

* via EUROSIGNAL Bluetooth®-receiver or indirect via Bluetooth®-connection of your vehicle. For older vehicle models, cable plug connections may also be an alternative.

Reference customers (among others):


* only in conjunction with the purchase of an EUSIG mobile warning system of the KATWARN Complete+BT version

30 days free trial

You are welcome to convince yourself of MPA's range of functions during a 30-day test phase. What are you waiting for?

Frequently asked questions

What does MPA mean and what does the system include?

MPA stands for the three words "Mobile Public Address" and consists of two components: one is the MPA-CMS (content management system) web app that can be used via any internet browser, and the second is the MPA-App mobile phone app. This can be found in the respective stores for iOS and Android.

Why do we still need loudspeaker announcements in the age of mobile phones and social media?

MPA was not developed for everyday use, but for the necessary loudspeaker announcements in operations, disasters and events. These are therefore valuable and important applications in the area of emergency organizations, but also in the civilian sector.

The MPA concept relies on an active mobile internet. Can the system still operate if the mobile internet fails?

With MPA-CMS, an entire audio library with topic-specific content of announcements is created in "peacetime" (even multilingual with an integrated translation module) and distributed to the defined subscriber network of MPA app cell phone users within seconds. When the mobile Internet is up and running, there are constant live updates. All content remains available on the cell phones even if the mobile Internet fails and can still be transmitted to the loudspeaker systems via Bluetooth. MPA is therefore also blackout-proof.

Many emergency vehicles already have loudspeakers and microphones installed, so why do they also need the MPA app from Eurosignal?

Only with MPA can pre-prepared topic-specific announcements be broadcast loudly, clearly and comprehensibly via the driver's cell phone using loudspeakers. This frees up the otherwise necessary microphone operator for important activities outside the vehicle.

Which speakers does MPA work on?
  • MPA works on siren loudspeakers*) installed in emergency vehicles
  • on mobile warning systems EUSIG from EUROSIGNAL (in the COMPLETE+BT and KATWARN COMPLETE+BT versions)
  • on portable or stationary loudspeaker systems with Bluetooth function. Bluetooth is now usually standard here and MPA can be used directly
  • on megaphones

*) Siren loudspeakers themselves rarely have an integrated Bluetooth function. However, if a Bluetooth receiver or a Bluetooth car radio is already connected to the siren amplifier, then MPA can be used immediately. In principle, the additional costs required when converting a new vehicle, or even for retrofitting, are extremely low. A usable Bluetooth receiver costs from just around €40.

For older car radio models without Bluetooth, a cable connection (USB or round plug) to the cell phone can often be established as an alternative. Even the cost of replacing the existing car radio with a new one with Bluetooth function is not worth mentioning at around € 50.

Why are loudspeaker announcements an important issue, especially in case of a blackout?

One reason for the failure of mobile communications and/or mobile internet can be a power grid failure. If this failure lasts for a longer period of time and extends over a larger area, it is referred to as a blackout. After such a failure occurs, loudspeaker announcements (from fire, police, other vehicles) are an important way for the local authorities to inform the public about the cause, duration or measures taken.

Apart from Blackout, what other use cases is MPA intended for?
  • Flood
  • Avalanche
  • Land slide
  • Wild fire
  • Discharge of pollutants in a chemical plant, transport accident, etc
  • Police instructions for demonstrations (pandemic, etc.)
  • Emergency sound system at events of any kind (Sport-, Music- and other events)
I already have a loudspeaker system, how can I make sure that it is suitable for a MPA application?

We will be happy to assist you. Send a description of your existing system, as well as your contact details, to We will contact you immediately.

I am planning to purchase a new loudspeaker system. How can I be sure that it will be suitable for an MPA application?

We look forward to being able to help you. Please send a description of your planned system and your contact details to We will contact you as soon as possible.